This week I was reminded of how important it is to have someone to work out with.  With the exception of Saturdays (Mark golfs) I always work out with someone.

Benefits of working out with a friend:

  • You hold each other accountable.  When Mark slacks off, I kick him in the rear.  Vice versa.
  • You don’t want to disappoint.  Maybe it’s just my personality, but when I start something and someone is watching me and expecting me to finish, I perform better.
  • You motivate each other.  When I slack, Mark cheers me on.  When he struggles, I encourage him to finish.  It’s like have a cheerleader by your side.
  • You challenge each other.  Every time we work out we push each other to take it to the next level.  It helps when someone is challenging you.
The thing is…you can’t just have any workout buddy.  You need someone who has the same goals as you and is motivated to achieve them.  If you don’t, they’ll flake when you need them most…on your weak days when the last thing you want to do is get off the couch.
So find a friend you trust, set expectations, make promises to encourage and push each other.  If you go it alone, the odds are against you that you’ll achieve your goals.  BUT find a friend to motivate you and you’re setting yourself up for success.